Monday, April 25, 2011

Live The Las Vegas Dream

Did you see the new things in casino? Well one of the newest is "The Almighty One" and "The Sleeveless Ace".
The prices also blow my mind is good AND horrible ways- Almighty One= 50 gold for 100, Sleeveless Ace= 70 gold for 20(Beginner), 250 gold for 15(Normal), and 500 gold for 10(High Roller).
Enough about the prices, lets get to what they do... The Almighty One gives you good luck and increases  the amount of credits you get. On the other hand, The Sleeveless Ace gets you an Ace as the first card delt.

 I couldn't bear just starring at all those stones stand there in the display, no one buying them. So, I took I mean "looked inside" my friend's purse to sadly see all her money was with her. My next idea wasn't one of the best I've ever had but I was sure it would work. I cloaked myself in clothing that blocked most of my body and head out to the casino. While the owner of the Stone Shop wasn't looking, I tried to steal I mean "borrow" some of his little jewels. He suddenly turned around and his face changed to the "Mrs.Sweetz Your Going To Jail" face. After all that work  I wouldn't give up, I started going on a rampage, yelling at him to give me a stone or two. After a few minutes, the owner got annoyed enough to give me 100. YIPPEE!!!

After playing for about 2 minutes, I had wasted about 20. This is because I didn't know how to make them stop showing up. Then 1 more minute passed and I had found out. Now knowing it had been so easy I ran back to the owner and starting yelling again. This time he just took his amazing magic little suitcase, turned around, and pretended to talk on the phone.

P.S if you do want to turn off the gems (make them stop showing) then just click on it. If you still see the stone symbol in the middle, just try again. This is how it should look like when your using the stones:

Even though I wasted so much, I GUESS I won a NORMAL total of credits for playing about 5 minutes. But when I saw the total of actual casino credits I would get, I began to sob. I guess I forgot the number of slot casinos is 100x more than you get...
Then I played for another 5 minutes and was SO close to getting a jackpot. My PICO icons were lined up like the following: PICO SNOWMAN PICO PICO GUMMIES
Well, I didn't get the jackpot but I got a normal amount of casinos.

After all the excitement today my mind has truly changed about the casino. Maybe I can even buy the new scooter that's for sale. Well I will but not today, not this week, not this month, and probably not even this year. I hope Ameba Pico keeps the discount for a while. >:)

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