Saturday, December 25, 2010

Scary Story

I hosted a campfire for my friends and we told scary stories. When it was my turn, I made one up. Here's how it goes:

Once there was a man named Albert Albert (His first name was Albert and his wife's last name was Albert) , but you can call him Mr.Albert or Albert.When he looked at his mirror one night and saw a face. It was a bit  blury,so he couldnt see the face fully. Suddenly, the mirror started to CRacK and Albert was never seen again.When the police investigated Albert's disappearance the mirror didn't have one crack in it. The mirror looked like it was just bought.
 Legend says: 
The mirror was haunted and the person who is supposed to die from the mirror will see the person who died before them. Example : The next person to have the mirror will see Albert before they die and so on. 

Be sure you don't come face to face with this mirror. If you do... well just don't.

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